Empower your Community

People who Connect and Become Successful Strengthen your Community

Our Motto:

ABS: Always Be Searching for awesome partners, and
BSG: Build Something Great together.

Everyone is a Candidate for Matching
Only Shared Interests are Revealed to Participants

Set up the Group Matchmaking Engine - so that people discover powerful connections.
We help YOU manage your own "Matchmaking Engine":
  • YOU set up your private search channel (below) with matching terms that facilitate the discovery of connections.
  • YOU invite (with the search group link) the all the community members to describe their own interests, and to initiate the conversations when there are overlapping interests
  • YOU iterate several times, with groups or subgroups of people, to increase the quality collaborators you discover.

Benefits and steps for effective use

Start here: set up a Group Matching Instance

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