Inspiration for Seeking Partnerships
We collected some great advice from the Internet, which should get you started on your path for success:
On Human Capital:

The most mismanaged capital in all organizations is the human capital.

On Passion:
People with passion can change the world.
Steve Jobs
On Opportunity:

There's opportunity in here somewhere.

On Partnerships:
Enter partnerships:
* know what you want/expect from it
* know what you bring to the table
* find a personal contact at the larger (partner) company (warm lead)
* make sure goals align
* be patient
On Engagement:

In 2014, the New York Times did the arithmetic and found that humanity was spending 39,757 collective years on the site, every single day

On Diversity:

Having a varied culture is OK so long as they share similar values.

On Time:

Time is the new competitive dimension.

On Entrepreneurs:

Robots cannot figure out what's valued. Entrepreneurs can. It needs imagination. Economy is about creating new products.

On People:

Be around inspiring people

People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

On Initiative:

You can pretend that everything is fine. Or you can do something about it that is going to be appreciated.

On Success:

#1 rule for success - set up for success

Real success is willing to do the things other are not.

On Risks:

Play in the Big League

Take Risks
* launch products
* fail because too early or too late, or no market
* try new clients

On Products:

Useful, not Stunning!

On Serendipity:

Cities always drive economic growth. They're machines for creativity, collaboration, and serendipity.

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